Mihai Fetcu and his bartender friends at Bistro de l'arte Brasov, and other bartenders from Romania, held a benefit for Just One Shift earlier this year. Here's what Mihai (pictured at right with two of his co-workers) has to say about the event.
"We had the event under the name "Wine to Water Romania - Just one Shift" and we made it on the 9th of May. The event was initiated by me and my colleagues from Bistro de l'arte Brasov (pictured below). We are doing a lot of humanitarian projects but this was different since it involved alcohol and bartenders.
So, we had the place, we had the date we only needed the alcohol and the bartenders. For this, we talked with our friend, Paolo de Venuto who agreed to come *for free* from Barcelona and to be our guest of honor. For this, he made a special menu that included 5 drinks (2 for gentleman, 2 for ladies and 1 without alcohol) so that we can sell in that day.
We got a lot of support from our local brands and all our friends from Bols, Monin, Bacardi, Mancino, The Famous Grouse, Cointreau & True started to pitch in and brought us their products so that we could make our cocktails.
We wanted to help a bit more so, besides our tips we donated the money that we got from selling the cocktails. One cocktail was 4$ and we managed to sell over 100. We manage to make a lot of promotion for this event and we had all the attention from the media: newspapers, magazines, local & national television, etc.
As for the bartenders, I never saw so many bartenders in my place ever! We had bartenders coming from other cities and the ones that couldn't come, sent us some money as their way to pitch in.
Being an event for bartenders, we expected a lot of people from the industry, but we had a lot of our regulars who came and had our drinks. It was marvelous to see people from different industries, with different perceptions and background, acting together as one. It was a nice thing to see and it make my heart glad.
It was a very long day with a lot of bumps but we managed to pull it off and we raised 555$ that we donated to the Wine to Water Organization.
I contacted the organization later this year and they told me that with the money they got from the Just One Shift program they bought some new filters for cleaning the water in Zimbabwe.
That made me very happy because now I know that in that far place, some children are getting fresh water and one small part of our effort will be with them forever. They deserve better and it is our duty to do so! Bartenders or no bartenders!"
Mihai Fetcu
Source: www.gazregan.com