Monthly Archives: September 2016

Oul în baruri!

  Salutare, M-am decis să abordez de data aceasta un subiect foarte delicat din lumea barului şi anume oul. Sunt foarte mulţi oaspeţi care atunci când aud de acest ingredient într-un cocktail, o iau la fugă…La propriu! :> Există o “frică” preconcepută legată de ouăle din comerţ şi m-am gândit că ar fi timpul să…
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Cocktail Trivia [ENG]

Hi guys, It has been almost two years since we had this bright idea, and we managed to pull it off. As we speak, Cocktail Trivia is on-line and operational! Besides being a Facebook page where you can check your bar knowledge in real time, Cocktail Trivia is our first release in terms of on-line…
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How do you sleep at night? [ENG]

Hey guys, A few days ago, we had a situation at our bar when a guest requested one of our bestselling drinks but wanted just a few ice cubes. Our waitress explained the reason why the glass must be full of ice and she also advised the guest that serving it in that particular manner…
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